Chinese Man Throws Bicycle at Thieves on Scooter!
Two thieves on a motor-scooter flew by and snatched a womans purse on a street in Wenzhou, China. Surveillance video shows a man riding a bicycle. As he was passing by the front of a hotel near where the thievery happened, he stopped, calmly got off his bicycle, picked it up, and then threw it at the thieves. The bicycle hit them, they lost control, and crashed to the ground. 二人のバイクに乗った泥棒が女性から財布を盗んだ。監視カメラは自転車に乗った男を写していて、その男は泥棒が過ぎるときに自転車を投げ、とめた。彼らはバランスを崩し、地に落ちた。
登録:2010/01/10 12:01:29
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