Simply K-Pop - Ep103C11 Chen and ZhangLiYin - Breath

Simply K-Pop Ep103 Chen from EXO teams up with ZhangLiYin for an SM ballad project album titled "Breath". The title track, "Breath", is a duet about a separation and its extremely tiring, heart-wrenching effect on those involved. SM의 발라드 프로젝트에 타이틀곡 [숨소리]를 EXO 멤버 첸과 장리인이 함께 중국어로 불러 선보인다. [숨소리]는 이별 후 어색

Uploaded:2014/02/25 17:09:03 +0900 (JST)    Views:16  Comments:0  
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