No Pants Subway Ride 2009

From, 1,200 New Yorkers ride the subway without pants in a snow storm. Be sure to click "watch in HD"!!!! Edited by Matt Adams: Song by Tyler Walker: This is one of over 80 different missions Improv Everywhere has executed over the past seven years in New York City. Others include Frozen Grand Central, the Best Buy uniform prank, and the famous U2 Rooftop Hoax, to name a few. Visit the website to see tons of photos and video of all of our work, including behind the scenes information on how this video was made. If you are interested in getting involved in New York you can sign the NY Agents List on the site. If you are interested in getting involved in your own town, join the Urban Prankster Network here: Be the first to find out about the next video we create by subscribing to our YouTube channel: RSS feed: You can also join our Facebook group: We have a DVD for sale!

등록 일시:2009/11/04 22:46:06 +0900 (JST)    조회수:821  댓글:8  
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