UNICEF: Goodwill Ambassadors' CRC PSAs: Behind the Scenes

NEW YORK, USA, November 2009 UNICEFs Goodwill Ambassadors have joined in commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) by appearing in public service announcements meant to draw attention to the groundbreaking international human rights covenant. The CRC turns 20 on 20 November. In the 30-second PSAs, the prominent UNICEF supporters champion the myriad causes that are important to them. Actress and activist Mia Farrow, for example, speaks about the right of children to be protected from violence. Classical pianist Lang Lang addresses the right to play. And supermodel and businesswoman Claudia Schiffer talks about the right to quality education. The ambassadors hope they can help turn the worlds attention to the CRC, a legally binding international treaty that has helped shape legislation, guided the work of non-governmental organizations and changed the lives of millions of children. For more information...please visit: http://www.unicef.org/rightsite/ http://www.unicef.org/people/people_51673.html

등록 일시:2009/11/21 09:47:29 +0900 (JST)    조회수:50  댓글:0  
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