The Ballad of the Sex Junkie [WoW Music Video]

In Ironforge lives a pervy dwarf. This song is about his way of life. So of course it's kinda kinky and there's a chance you'll see some nudity among other delights. The song is from a real genius named Richard Gotainer, "la ballade de l'obsede" it's in french but don't worry, Vilaeryn was there to help me translate everything so you wont miss a single word of this funny ballad. Thanks also to the Baron Soosdon who helped a lot at every stage of this project. # m a c h i n i m a Wanna talk about machinima ? Come chat with us in #machinima at Quakenet !

등록 일시:2009/05/14 10:46:30 +0900 (JST)    조회수:739  댓글:0  
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